Natural Bone Health: A Practitioner’s Guide to Healthy Bone, Joints, and Muscles


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Natural Bone Health examines the components of bone health – from submolecular to macromolecular – and offers a quantitative approach to epigenetic factors, providing simple, clinically-useful integrative tests and a targeted action plan including, diet, hydration, supplementation and lifestyle recommendations that will protect bone health as we age.

The book describes an “Alkaline Way” approach to bone health, consisting of a three-pronged program: measuring and correcting net acid excess, measuring and reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, and evaluating neurohormone status.  By addressing, optimizing and balancing these three control factors, Dr Susan Brown and her team at the Center for Better Bones have achieved remarkable success stabilizing and rebuilding bone, time and time again for over more than three decades.

Over the years, thought-leading scientist and integrative healthcare pioneer, Russell Jaffe, MD, PhD, CCN, and medical anthropologist and certified clinical nutritionist Susan Brown, PhD, CCN, have guided thousands of individuals to build and maintain lifelong bone strength, while at the same time maximizing overall health using this “Physiology First” principle of the Alkaline Way approach, which dictates that every action taken to strengthen bone should be of benefit to the entire fabric of human biology. They, along with co-contributors Jayashree Mani, MS, CCN and Marcy Jaffe, MPA, MBA, share the science behind and the details of their approach to overcome the challenges of the 21st century and improve bone and total body health.

Now also available on Amazon.