Natural Bone Health examines the components of bone health – from submolecular to macromolecular – and offers a quantitative approach to epigenetic factors, providing simple, clinically-useful integrative tests and a targeted action plan including, diet, hydration, supplementation and lifestyle recommendations that will protect bone health as we age.
The book describes an “Alkaline Way” approach to bone health, consisting of a three-pronged program: measuring and correcting net acid excess, measuring and reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, and evaluating neurohormone status. By addressing, optimizing and balancing these three control factors, Dr Susan Brown and her team at the Center for Better Bones have achieved remarkable success stabilizing and rebuilding bone, time and time again for over more than three decades.
Over the years, thought-leading scientist and integrative healthcare pioneer, Russell Jaffe, MD, PhD, CCN, and medical anthropologist and certified clinical nutritionist Susan Brown, PhD, CCN, have guided thousands of individuals to build and maintain lifelong bone strength, while at the same time maximizing overall health using this “Physiology First” principle of the Alkaline Way approach, which dictates that every action taken to strengthen bone should be of benefit to the entire fabric of human biology. They, along with co-contributors Jayashree Mani, MS, CCN and Marcy Jaffe, MPA, MBA, share the science behind and the details of their approach to overcome the challenges of the 21st century and improve bone and total body health.
The 21st century has brought with it unprecedented challenges. Health and environmental effects of toxins introduced in the last half century have led to reductions in life expectancy, reproductive health, and quality of life and increases in anti-nutrients, loss of quality soil, impaired immune defense and repair, and digestive disorders.
Despite these challenges, there are still remarkable opportunities for those who choose more wisely. This book is a guide to reconnecting and rediscovering your healing capacities by embracing a nature, nurture, and wholeness approach to life.
Thought-leading scientist and integrative health-care pioneer, Russell Jaffe, MD, PhD, shares wisdom gained over half a century in medicine, science, and spiritual practices that have taught him how to live long and well, especially in times of unprecedented stress and toxins.
His approach is personal, evidence-based and con-sists of practical ways of saving your life and the life of those about whom you care. Starting with today’s scientific evidence and incorporating wisdom traditions, Dr. Jaffe invites the reader on a journey of self-assessment, self-discovery, and self-awareness.
You are unique. Your chemistry, your relationships, and your history all interconnect to make you who you are. Dr. Jaffe explains what to measure, what the measurements mean functionally, and what to do to overcome the challenges of the 21st century and add decades of quality life.
Health is a matter of balance. Our bodies need to balance acid and alkaline properties in our cells: more acid cells leads to loss of cell resilience and increased illness. The Alkaline Way helps you choose foods and activities that will tip the scale toward a healthier and more alkaline state.
Joy in Living: The Alkaline Way is a complete guide to implementing this program. This guide provides everything you need to know to support your body’s own immune defense and repair, as well as your optimal digestive, detox and neurohormonal functions.
For over 20 years, world-renowned researcher Russell Jaffe MD, PhD, CCN and his team have offered this outstanding program to help people progress to sustainable optimal health. Follow the Alkaline Way and discover a healthier, happier you.