A recent meta-analysis published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that coenzyme Q10 is of benefit in congestive heart failure.
For those who like the idea that food and nutrients can be excellent medicine, this paper is interesting at the very least. But there is a case to be made that it is far more than that. There is a case to be made that it is, in a word, miraculous. For resurrection, after all, is a miracle. And according to a paper published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in April of 2000, coenzyme Q10 for heart failure was a dead concept.
The authors reported 13 years ago that “coenzyme Q10 has been studied in randomized, blinded, and controlled studies and … these studies have found no detectable benefit” and that “coenzyme Q10 should not be recommended for treatment of heart failure.” The final nail had been driven into the CoQ10-for-heart-failure hypothesis 13 years ago — and yet now, it’s back.
If that’s not a miracle — then what is going on? .. Click here to read full article by David Katz MD in Huffington Post February is dedicated to Heart health. PERQUE Integrative Health is featuring PERQUE Mito Guard Plus as our product of the month. It contains CoQ10 (ubiquinone) micellized with mixed natural tocopherols for superior uptake and bioavailability. To learn more about PERQUE Mito Guard Plus, the monthly special and other cardiovascular products from PERQUE contact us today. PERQUE Integrative Health 800.525.7372 www.PERQUE.com info@PERQUE.com